WhatsApp complains Media  whyAng Easy  D over simple: Jerawat

 Use Akulaku to whatsapp  call center  for customer  complaints

Akulaku,  a platform of global quality financial service providers, is sure to provide a relevant Akulaku call center when customers Customers are facing problems or wanting to file  complaints. The goal is Akulaku can connect with its customers properly and transparently   .

Akulaku opens up the possibility you’ll be able to do online shopping activities using a loan service. in fact, you  can shop into installing and making money  Highly flexible cash loans. Therefore, Akulaku’s presence here is aimed at facilitating  the lives of its customers in varied transactions.

Some equipment provided  by Akulaku include purchasing  a loan, then ordering the Internet  quota packages and payment data packages BPJS receipts, purchases of PDAM and PLN and flight tickets. All payment activities and goods can be done on the loan, and you can also make a loan.

Unfortunately in Akulaku’s service, of course not all customers feel  satisfied. For this reason, Akulaku offers a variety of Akulaku call center channels Therefore, customers can contact their party freely at some point. Here are some ways  customers can submit complaints and queries via a call center.

 Communicate your complaints via customer service

One channel you can contact to submit a question or get information is contacting Akulaku’s customer service. You can access this CS service unrestricted, meaning 24 hours. Not only, but also receiving free phone calls.

If you   want to  contact Akulaku staff, you can contact 1500920 via the Akulaku call center. via the number Here you can  file varying questions and complaints regarding installations and  loans at Akulaku. You can also mention  many other challenges.

This method of filing complaints and questioning customers through this call center is considered more effective. because besides Caesar A 24-hour service through this CS, you will be connected directly with capable and knowledgeable Akulaku staff to solve your problems quickly.

While it’s not as simple as a  live chat, the Akulaku call centre can give customers a clear and direct  answer so as not to enjoy Mistakenly to get a solution at every challenge faced by a customer. Customers can ask questions freely as long as it is in accordance with the filing procedure.

Also try the complaints service via email

In addition to being able to file complaints and questions relating to Akulaku via  a call center, you can also do so via platforms or other  media. One  of the most used media to file complaints  is   via Akulaku’s official email. Here you can easily  disclose what you want to disclose.

The email address       you are going to cs.id@akulaku.com. This method is always the most common method of communication.  You can “complain” or “ask  about…” Emails should be created as usual with the content of the content. And start filling in the email body with what you want to tell Akulaku.

Unfortunately, this channel has drawbacks  if you want to use it as a medium to file a complaint or file questions.Unlike    the Akula call centre Quickly responding ku, you will take a long time to get answers  from Akulaku’s staff or staff via email.

Because email is not an average standard that opens all the time compared to the call center, so it is likely to take a long time. Get a response, normally staff  members will  instruct you to get a quick response to the CS department or other social media  .

WhatsApp complains Media  whyAng Easy  D over simple

Besides The Akulaku, Call Center  and  Email, that means WhatsApp also has another medium that is simpler and easier to use to listen to questions and complaints Along the  channel  . as the most popular messaging medium, WhatsApp really is a friend with always everyone in the world to exchange messages and news.

Therefore, Akulaku also takes advantage of the popularity of the attachment to be able to connect with its customers more easily and freely. WhatsApp is  also a  message  you send will not fully respond to by Akulaku chatbot. By using this method   , you can still communicate directly  with Akulaku’s staff.

As using The Akulaku Call Center, you can present your various questions and complaints through this live chat via WhatsApp   .   Should send   a chat with what  you want to express  clearly.Don’t forget to add to the evidence of this complaint so that it can work immediately.

When filed, make sure that clear, understandable, understood language users that are not understood. Clear language  will  enable acoular staff The more easy  to  understand natural problems and find the solutions you need immediately. Please patiently wait for the response of Akulaku employees.

The relevant whatsapp contact number is 081113508161. To  get   an answer from the Akulaku side,  you have to  be heartbroken Patience because it will take a while. Make sure you ask questions using a sensitive language by the staff.

Come directly to Acculakulaku’soffice a clear wall

The last option you can make if you have several important questions or complaints you   want to  submit  is to go straight to  Aculaku’s office.  it is free In using the Akulaku or WhatsApp call centre, but it takes time to get feedback and solutions to the various problems encountered.

If you want a quick and clear response, you can immediately come to the office and talk to officials there. Unfortunately, this may be a little problem  . Only customers who live in the Zabodetabek area can visit the Akulaku office because the distance remains affordable.

The housing of those who live differently from customers away from the territory is really difficult. There is no need to mention high costs. For this reason, it recommends  customers carve out Take  advantage of the media provided by Akulaku in the past to make it easy to submit your questions and complaints and issues  .

You can also take advantage of the Help Center  found on the Akulaku app.  Here you can provide any feedback you want  . Steps The  first thing to do is  download the Akulaku application on your phone and then  log  into the application  . Browse the comment icon and you can submit comments.

It is very easy to contact Akulaku, even   if  he does not go directly to Akulaku’s office. Everything can be done online or via phone. Albeit currently there are no  channels other than WhatsApp, Akulaku, there are still needs of customers who need a solution  .

If you want to contact Akulaku, please choose whether to use the call center, via  a live chat on WhatsApp or   via a message sent via E All methods you can try depending on your own comfort, including  the Akulaku call center, are very effective.

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