Western Javanese Asem vegetable recipe that is easy to make at home : CekAkreditasi

A simple recipe for western Javanese Asem vegetables

Sayur asem is a simple preparation with many benefits for the body to be quite easy with the West Java-specific recipe for sour vegetables.   This vegetable is a preparation of a variety of vegetables with many benefits for your body, from eggplant to long beans.

Sour vegetables have a sour taste, and sometimes some people sharpen them a little. This sour vegetable is present almost throughout Indonesia, but it is popular from western Java. This food has been around for decades during the Dutch colonial era.

Possessing a cool refreshing and tasty taste, this vegetable is suitable as a friend of rice. Before you know how to do this with the western Javanese asem vegetable recipe , first know the choice of fresh vegetables. Due to the quality of fresh vegetables, not only the taste is good, but also the benefits will be more pronounced.

Know how to choose fresh vegetables forAsem vegetables

To make asem vegetables with western Javanese asem vegetable recipes , you need quality ingredients, one of which is vegetables. Vegetables are the main ingredient in making this vegetable. Because basically this food is a combination of several vegetables.

It is very important to choose a type of vegetable of good quality. Fresh quality vegetables are very good for your body. Relax, you do not need to worry about choosing the wrong vegetables, here are some features of fresh quality vegetables.

  1. The color of the vegetable is brightly colored.

If you want to buy ingredients to make sour vegetables, be sure to choose brightly colored herbal ingredients, as this indicates that they are still fresh. On the other hand, when faced with vegetables that are slightly light in color from the original color, do not buy them because of the sign that the vegetables are of poor quality.

  1. Choose those whose leaves do not dry out.

When choosing leafy vegetables, be sure to pay attention to their freshness, looking at the leaves, whether they are still tight or not. If the leaves have withered a little or are very easy to wrinkle, this indicates that the leaves are no longer of good quality.

  1. Does not emit odors.

One of the characteristics of a good quality vegetable is that they do not emit a bad smell. On the other hand, if the quality is no longer of good quality, it usually emits an unpleasant odor. In addition, as a rule, vegetables will also be marked with soft ones if the quality is already poor.

  1. Choose hollow vegetables.

Perforated vegetables do not mean that they have poor quality, but this indicates the absence of pesticides in the vegetables. Pesticides are chemicals to eliminate pests, in humans substances from these harmful pesticides can cause a number of disorders, such as skin irritation for cancer.

Western Javanese Asem vegetable recipe that is easy to make at home

Cooking according to a typical recipe for a sour vegetable in West Javana is the right thing to do if you are in the mood to learn how to cook and when you save.

This soupy food is one of the most popular foods in Indonesia, especially in western Java. Well, in order to try to cook this food, you do not need to worry, because sometimes in the stalls or in traditional markets there are packages of vegetables for sour vegetables. To get good taste, we present a recipe for vegetables with acids characteristic of West Java.

Ingredients to prepare:

  1. Siamese pumpkin one fruit in dice cut first.
  2. Long beans cut obliquely.
  3. Corn one cut in half.
  4. 4 pieces of melelinated or customized according to your needs.
  5. Leaves melilev to taste.
  6. 45 g of pre-boiled peanuts until tender.
  7. Tamarindas 1 gvazdikėlis.
  8. Water moderately.
  9. Salt and sugar are adjusted only.

Spices are first crushed:

  1. Five cloves of shallots of garlic.
  2. Two cloves of garlic.
  3. Three pieces of red pepper.
  4. A teaspoon of shrimp paste or, of course, half a piece.
  5. Three grains of pecan were already toasted.

Method of production:

The first step to do is to wash off all the ingredients to make it more hygienic. Next, boil water over low heat. Enter all ingredients such as galangal, Siamese pumpkin and others into a saucepan of boiled water until all the ingredients are cooked. Simple and easy.

When you use the recipe of Western Javana for sour vegetables above in just 45 minutes, you can make vegetables for 5 servings. Eat this sour vegetable with rice or add tempeh to taste Sundanese food.

Beef Asem vegetable recipe

Along with the development of the era, this typical food with vegetables has a variety of options, one of which uses beef. When cooking sour vegetables with beef, of course, the taste will be more diverse, the savory taste of beef can increase appetite.

How to do this is almost the same as the recipe of Western Javana for sour vegetables , the only difference is the addition of meat. In order not to get confused, here is a recipe for delicious beef sour vegetables, and the thunder is easy to make at home.


  1. Beef 250 grams or adapted to needs.
  2. One Siamese pumpkin fruit is first cut into cubes.
  3. 3 Long beans cut into strips.
  4. One corn is cut in half.
  5. 3 pieces of melelin or to taste.
  6. 2 meliño leaves.
  7. 40 grams of pre-boiled peanuts until tender.
  8. Tamarindas 1 gvazdikėlis.
  9. Water moderately.
  10. Salt and sugar to taste.

Fine spices:

  1. 4 cloves of shallots of garlic.
  2. 3 cloves of garlic.
  3. 3 pieces of red pepper or to taste.
  4. Half a piece of shrimp paste.
  5. 4 roasted pecans.

Method of production:

The first step is to first wash off all the ingredients, especially beef. First, boil the beef so that it is tender, boil for about 2 minutes and drain. After that, heat the water using a saucepan using low heat. Next, add all the spices and other ingredients. Do not forget also the input of beef, wait about 25 minutes.

Benefits of Asem Vegetable for health

Typical food with these vegetables, in addition to good taste, turns out to have a number of advantages. These benefits are very beneficial for your body. The species production of sour vegetables using Tamarind has various benefits, such as coughing, canker’s ulcers, vaginal discharge and much more.

In addition to Javanese asem, the beans contained in this food also have benefits in controlling blood sugar levels. So when you suffer from diabetes problems, this plant-based food is very suitable for maintaining normal blood sugar levels. There are many more benefits that you can get from consuming this food.

The existence of meliño in the food of Western Javana is useful for antioxidants, the prevention of free radicals and many other health benefits. In addition, corn in sour vegetables has many benefits due to the rich content of vitamins.

Moreover, in fact, there are many other benefits that you can get from eating this sour vegetable. All the ingredients in these foods have various health benefits, so when consumed, in addition to being tasty, it is also healthy.

By eating these foods regularly twice a week, you can get a variety of health benefits. Vegetables on this food make their benefits even more abundant. To make the taste of this food better, use the Western Javanese recipe for sour vegetables.

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