Bandung Sea of Fire Monument : Nomis

Names ofheroes of West Java died on the battlefield

Indonesia has many heroes from West Java and has died in various colonial attacks. When colonization took place, Indonesian society became miserable. Various attacks, massacres and extortion were carried out by the attackers.

The citizens were very tormented. The community then lived under pressure from the attackers. The colonists lived well in their colonies. Meanwhile, Indonesians are living under the pressure of a downturn. They could not be educated, had to work hard and were not infrequently enslaved in their own country.

5 names of heroes of West Java

The existence of various attacks caused the young men from the country to carry out various kinds of movements and revolutions. They gathered with all their might to unite themselves and the strength to resist the invaders. They stood up together and threw everything they could.

Until finally,  it is not uncommon for heroes of  West Java to  take part  in the fight against the invaders. Finally, they also ended up and fell on the battlefield. Various attacks 2 ta in it. Some of them are:

  1. Djuanda Kartawidjaja

The name of this hero from West Java has actually been known by many people. He was born in the city of Tasikmalaya. His role in the Republic of Indonesia is to become the 10th Prime Minister as well as the last Prime Minister of the country. He died at the age of 52, having previously been minister of finance.

  1. Otto Iskandardinata

Who would have thought that this hero came from the city of Bandung. He was born a long time ago, when Indonesia was not yet independent. His nickname is Starling Harupat. He died at the age of 48, just a few days after the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, namely on December 20, 1945.

  1. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara

Sjafruddin was born in Serang in 1911 and is a freedom fighter and governor of Bank Indonesia. In fact, he also immediately received a mandate from President Soekarno, when the capital of the Republic of Indonesia was still in Yogyakarta. He also received the title of Prime Minister in 1958.

  1. Gudinde Sartika

This hero from West Java is actually one of the warriors from Indonesia who was born as a Sundanese. Since childhood, he has been interested in education. He also founded a wife’s school. Many steps of the Sundanese woman imitate the steps of this heroine.

This strong woman really lives in a war situation. He willingly joined the indigenous people in all forms of resistance. He received the title of national hero of Indonesia after 19 years of death

  1. Achmad Soebardjo

Who does not know this Indonesian hero? He was an Indonesian independence activist until he became a minister. This original hero of West Java was born in 1896.

War in West Java province

Various heroes appeared in West Java indirectly, indicating that there were several wars going on in the province. Yes, that’s right. Various major wars have actually taken place. One of the most heroic events that took place in this province was Bandung Lautan Api.

Tal, including the heroes of West Java   in this regard, massively defended in the defense of independence. This is inseparable from the support of residents to join the fight. This just did not happen even a year after Indonesia gained independence.

The heroic event took place in March 1946. At that time, hundreds of residents and TNI, along with the people’s lascar, burned their awards and houses. So why is this done? This was done with the aim of preventing the Allied armies from occupying their cities.

They burned the ground themselves, leaving the northern part of Bandung to the south. Previously, the British had given an ultimatum that the entire city of Bandung and its citizens had to retreat with a distance of 11 kilometers. As a result, residents burned houses, and this made the wave of fire in Bandung even greater.

Midnight fell, finally this city became like a dead city. Bandung has become an empty city. Only the wreck can be found. In fact, it was this heroic and historic event that prompted Ismail Marzuki to create a song titled Halo Halo Bandung.

3 Women in West Java

As mentioned earlier, Dewi Sartika is actually one of the heroes of West Java and is still known today. His struggle to promote women seems to be much admired. Nevertheless, there are many more formidable female pioneers from West Java.

  1. Raden Siti Jenab

This woman, who was born in 1890, is actually a woman with a well-known education system in Indonesia. In fact, he introduced the concept of tireless education from one door to another. Previously, she had attended a school made by Dewi Sartika.

Raden Siti Jenab as one of the heroes of West Java teaches many things. Among them, he taught about arithmetic, Dutch and Malay, to Sundanese.

  1. RA Lasminingrat

This woman was born in the city of Garut. The woman taught education using Western style, but first translated in Sundanese. So women in Sundanese society will find it easier to understand.

RA Lasminingrat is very fluent in Dutch. In fact, he also translated different kinds of Grimm stories like Cinderella, Rapunzel, and other stories in Sundanese.

  1. Anbefal Rachmatulhadian Poeradiredja

She is better known as Emma. Born in Bandung in 1880, he is a member of Jong Java. Together with some of his colleagues, he once founded Dameskring. It is an organization of Indonesian youth andwomen focusedon activities to strengthen the nation’s ideals. He was also active in the Second Indonesian Youth Congress.

Historic Sites in West Java

Apart from the names of the heroes of West Java , there are many places of high historical value in the province. These places were then built to commemorate or commemorate the services of those who had died in battle on the battlefield. Until now, these places are also still visited a lot.

  1. Bandung Sea of Fire Monument

This place is a testament to the turbulent events that have taken place in West Java province. The height of this museum is about 45 meters. At the top there is a symbol of the fire.

  1. Satay

Everyone who visits West Java will definitely not flee to visit this place. This building was a silent witness to the attacks of Dutch and British support soldiers to get the country’s youth to float.

  1. Monju

This Monument of Struggle is housed in Dipati Ukur. The building is unique in shape like Runcing Bamboo. This place has high historical value because there is a hero museum in it

  1. Toha Heroes Monument

It is also one of the historical sites due to the heroic event Bandung Lautan Api. At that event, Mohamad Toha became one of the giants. This monument was created in memory of his services.

So many heroes have died and dared to fight for independence. Regardless of men or women, they tried very hard to make the nation more advanced and free of invaders. These heroes of West Java deserve to be remembered and proud.

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